Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy 12th Birthday Megan!

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Home Sweet Home...TEXAS! We enjoyed our time with family and friends! So great to see everyone we got to see and wish we would have had more time to see others. Can't believe I didn't get pictures with most of our Dallas friends, guess we were too busy enjoying eachother's company after two years. Thanks for the memories! We love and miss y'all bunches!!!
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Catching Up...On the iPhone...

I think these date back to March...
Lunch at the Olive Garden
the Dentist

 Cavity free!

Easter Egg Rice Krispy Treats
Kayla made them for her Good News Club snack.

Kayla in her Greek Festival Attire

Megan Hanging Out at the Mall with Friends!

Kayla's School Carnival
Kayla rock climbing...

 and down...

 She made it!
 Great job Kayla Bear!
 Megan and Kayla waiting to go in the Hamster Ball.

Megan's End of School Band Concert
 An ice cream celebration after!

Meg at the Mall with Friends!

6th Grade End of Year Pool Party!
Megan's the one in yellow.

Last Day of School Celebration for Kayla!
Kayla and Mommy at Texas Roadhouse...mmmmmmm!

Kayla's First Day of Summer
Kayla ended up with two cases of Strep Throat,
 or maybe just one case that didn't want to clear up.

Kayla Takes After Her
Grandpa Way
Cleaning the car windows at the gas station!

The Picture Lady
This is what the picture lady looks like. 
I asked the girls to take a picture of me,
so Mack could see my broken glasses.

Birthday Greetings
Mack was out of town on the day of his birthday, so here's how we celebrated!

During Mack's trip to Dallas, he stopped by Van Alstyne on his way to Sherman.
Our very first house!
 Our fourth house and my favorite!

The Hard Life

Kayla Bear at Gojo Camp

Well, I think we are caught up to our Texas trip.
Hopefully I'll get on the ball with posting regularly!