Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Katie to Houston!

I had the privilege of flying to Houston with Grandma Moosman! It was wonderful to be home!
Amongst my many food request, I got to eat delicious Mexican food twice!!!

What a nice family, plus our Jeffrey!

A couple of early Christmas presents for Mom and Dad to enjoy throughout the holiday season.
A perfect for Dad!!!

Nothing like watching good movies during the holidays!

Thank you God for my family!

Mr. Mom

While I was in Houston, Mack did a fantastic job playing Mr. Mom!
AWANA, Kayla's birthday cookies for school, balloons and a midnight birthday wake-up call, dance, Chuck E. Cheese, and a whole day at church.
Below are a few pictures Mack sent me while I was gone.
Kayla Bear celebrating her 8th birthday at Chuck E. Cheese!

After seeing delicious picutres of REAL Mexican food, they had a craving and had to go to Fiesta Ole. I'm really sorry they couldn't have had good mexican food!

Saturday was 'Hanging of the Greens' at church. Megan and Mr. Kelly's band played Christmas music during the spaghetti dinner.

Ushers at the Advent service.

Megan played during the service.

Mack did a fantastic job...maybe I should get away more often!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Holiday Fun

A visit with cousin Aubrey, Megan, Grandma Moosman and Aunt Betsy.

Kayla and Uncle Les playing!

Kayla christening Aunt Lynne's new kitchen table!

Turkey Trot at school for 3rd-5th graders. Our new mascot trying to cross the finish line.

Yes, that is our little athlete! I was telling Megan that you hold your hands up as you cross the finish line. She was confused!

Playing in the leaves with friends!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving in NYC

Another thing we can check off on the "Northeast Bucket List!"

The girls at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Some of the balloons we saw...

Santa's in town!

Thankful for Mexican food!

To the movies to see Megamind.

A pretzel before leaving the city.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Here's What We've Been Up To...

Kayla Bear in curlers!

One of Megan's friends called and asked her to go to the mall (with a parent - of course!). It was so cute when she asked me, "Can I go to the mall with my friends on Saturday?" I was excited for her. It's fun seeing her grow up and doing girly stuff. Then a few seconds later, I thought, 'I can't have a daughter that's old enough to want to be going to the mall with her friends.' Well, she did get to go. She had lots of fun hanging out, shopping and having dinner with her friends!

A trip to Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les's to visit with Aunt Lynne and Great Grandma Moosman!

It's that time of year! We had a nice afternoon this past Sunday. We listened to Christmas music while setting up/decorating the tree and putting up stockings.

Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you all!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Around here, the Townships/Cities schedule Trick-or-Treat times. Ours was last night...

Getting ready for Trick-or-Treating! Since we were going to be at dance and Trick-or-Treating ourselves, we weren't going to be home to hand out candy. I remembered what my dad used to do when we were out Trick-or-Treating..."BOO Take 2!" Thanks for the idea Dad!

"50's Girl" and "Pajama Girl"

Kayla at the parade at school.

Megan at the parade at school.

Trick-or-Treating with friends!

Happy, Safe Halloween!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Fun Travels with Nana and Grandpa Way

First off - The Lake for Pumpkinfest!

Grandpa took the girls to the parade in downtown Conneaut. They had fun watching the floats and getting candy!

Playing games with Grandpa.

A carousel ride with Nana.

Some Connie Otters!

Megan picking tomatoes with Nana and Grandma Moosman.

Megan and cousin A.J. Megan had fun hanging out with her older cousin!

Kayla feeding ducks with Nana. The ducks were eating bread right out of their hands!

Kayla mowing grass with Grandpa.

Making apple pies. Mmmmmmmmmmm!

On the way back to Breinigsville, a stop in Punxutawney.

One of the 32 Phil's!

Gobbler's Knob

A trip to Liberty State Park.
Nana, Megan and Kayla on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

Mom and Dad standing at the bottom of the Statue of Liberty.

Ellis Island

A walk along the Boardwalk.

Off to gamble at one of the Trump casinos.

A walk around Caesars.

The Atlantic Ocean.