Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Off To New York City

We spent our long weekend in New York City!
The girls first trip to the "Big Apple"!
Wouldn't we all love to fly with Mary Poppins on her magical adventures?
We went on our own "magical adventure" - we saw Mary Poppins on Broadway!
These next two are for Jeff:
David Blaine was on the street in Time Square
signing autographs and doing tricks!
Superman in Toys-R-Us!
He sure is strong!
Riding the in-door ferris wheel at
On the Path train.
We stayed in Jersey City and took the Path to New York City.
As close as they got to the Statue of Liberty!
We'll go for a tour in warmer weather!
Waiting at ESPN Zone to eat lunch and watch the Cowboys lose!
Grooving at M&M World!
Sunday was a wet day, but it didn't keep us from seeing the city!
At F.A.O. Schwarz, dancing on the "BIG" piano! On the steps of the St. Patrick Cathedral.
The world's biggest Build-A-Bear Workshop!
Megadoodle buying a pretzel from the street vendor!
Daddy was so proud!
Swimming at the hotel pool!
Catching a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island and the Water Taxi,
from Battery Park.
Ice Skating on The Pond at Bryant Park!
First time to ice skate outside!!!
This picture is dedicated to Russ!
We hadn't had Chipotle since we left Texas!
Thanks for the directions Russ!
We had a great time exploring the kid friendly sights in
New York City!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year

We had a wonderful New Year's Dinner
Uncle Les and Aunt Lynne's!
Playful Uncle Les
was teaching the girls how to
catch mini marshmellows in their mouths!!!

Libby, Kayla, Megan and Grandma all smiles!

Thanks Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les for a great start to the New Year!!!
We love you!

Playing their new games.
Libby was a great sport
and well,
Grandma, she is just too cute!!!

Christmas Eve Tradition

It's a tradition...
Every Christmas Eve evening, the girls get to open one present.

It's matching p.j.'s!

Christmas Morning!

Renting Ski's

Chrismas Eve morning, we took the girls to get fitted for ski's!

Kayla Bear!


We haven't been skiing yet. With the wind chill, it has been too cold.
We still have a few months of cold and snow, so we'll get to the slopes!!! :)

Snow Fun

Playing in the snow!