Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We LOVED Boston!
This was our tour guide through some of the major city sites.
Paul Revere's House

Quincy Market: a great place to shop and eat.

Walked on the Harvard campus.
The "Green Monster!"
Got to see Uncle JR!
The original Cheers Bar!
Not sure what the deal is with my hat? But it's me under there!
Having dinner at Fuddruckers!
These are only a few of the pictures we took.
I'll send out the rest on Snapfish.
Let me know if you don't get them and I'll get them to you.

First Grade Reading Rodeo

Our PA Cowgirl!
Ride that horse!
Way to lasso!
Cutest Cowgirl in First Grade!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our Little Dancer

Off to the show!
There's our STAR!
"Great Performance" candy bar - mmmmm.......!
Megan, Aunt Lynne and the STAR!
Our little dancer was so hungry after the big performance!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Activities

We hope everyone had a relaxing Memorial Day weekend!
We kicked off our weekend with our one and only
"Betsy Ross!"
Kayla was picked to be Betsy Ross out of her class.
The first graders paraded around the school in honor of Memorial Day Weekend.
Kayla, I mean Betsy, rode in the wagon and waved to all the Fogelsville students and teachers. Look at what a nice flag she is making!
I didn't get pictures, but the girls enjoyed time at our apartment pool on Sunday and Monday.
"Betsy" was hungry for hot dogs, so we grilled some dogs on Monday!
It was nice having a long weekend - thanks vets!