Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lake House August 2010

We had a fabulous time on the other side of the state. The girls and I drove 6 hours from the Southeast side of the state to the Northwest side. It was great seeing Grandma Moosman, Uncle Joey, Aunt Anne and Mrs. Franklin! The girls had fun at the Park! A great trip to one of the Great Lakes - Erie, just beautiful! Fun out on Lake Conneaut and just enjoyed hanging out with family and friends!
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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Tooth Fairy again...

...this time for Meg!

Enjoying the nice evenings.

The evenings have been really nice these days. The girls are enjoying playing outside, while Mack and I enjoy sitting in comfy chairs watching them!

Megadoodle catching the ball.

Kayla Bear playing in the trees.

Friday, August 20, 2010


This blog is in honor of this home-grown tomato, given to Mack by a co-worker.

I dedicate this Homemade Salsa to:
My loving husband, Mack.
The greatest mother-in-law ever, Cathy.
Our sweet North Carolina friend, Jeanne.
A large bowl of good tortilla chips.

Now if I could only learn to make good cheese enchiladas and homemade flour tortillas, I just might be able to stay in PA!!!

Girls Just Wanta Have Fun

Megan and Kayla had some friends over. They broke out the nail polish, make-up, hair stuff and even the perfume! Good thing Daddy was at work!

As Madonna Would Say..."Strike a Pose, Vogue, Vogue, Vogue"

A few days ago, Kayla decided to go through the dress-up box...

Exercise pose.

I didn't even know this was going on. Looks like a backdrop and I didn't take these pictures...

Wow - even a prop to stand on!

Needless to say, our little "Super Star" can definitely "strike a pose."
And I can't forget about the photographer, Good Job Meg!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Say Cheese!

A summer day in the life of Kayla and Megan...

VBS in the AM and a visit to the dentist in the PM!

Kayla Bear


Looks like they are really getting some major work done, but it's just a few minute fluoride treatment.

Clean teeth - Check
No cavities - Check
Referral to the ortho for Meg - Check

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Summer fun!

The girls are having fun filling up their days of summer at Dorney Park, Wildwater Kingdom, VBS and the pool!

Megan and Kayla at Dorney Park


At the pool

Band Camp

Megan enjoyed her first Band Camp! The last day of camp, family and friends were invited to a concert to see what all the students had learned and accomplished throughout the week. Megan wanted to do something different with her hair. It's hard to get her hair to stay curly, so we thought we'd try something new - sleeping in lots of little twists. Umm, not so sure how this is turning out. RATS NEST!!! Needless to say we washed Megs hair and she wore it like aways. Meg was a great sport! Megan took a composition class during camp. This is the piece she composed - Happy Monkey!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A lost tooth!

Kayla finally lost one of her top teeth!

It's so little!

Yes, that is only one lost tooth on the top. Hope that BIG gap will help when the big teeth come in.

Get ready for the head tilt...
Kayla's cute note to the Tooth Fairy.

I get this look often when I take dozens of pictures over and over. You will ALL appreciate the perfect pictures one day! :0)

The Tooth Fairy came!

Kelly Camp

Kayla had fun at Kelly Camp last week! One of Kayla's teachers has a daughter that holds a camp for the girls in the summer. Kayla had a girly-girl time with friends all week long!

The grand finale of camp was a private tour of the new school!!!

A whole year!

Well, it's hard to believe that we've lived in Pennsylvania a whole year now! We are thankful for the many opportunities we have had this past year, here in the Northeast. It has been wonderful to experience new places, people, food, different climate, terrain, spend time with and build on family relationships, learn some history and of course we have enjoyed our special visitors - our parents!

We look forward to another year of adventures here in PA!