Wednesday, September 8, 2010

First Day of School

Our girls, ready for school!

Our 2nd Grader!

Our 5th Grader!

With their old Mommy!
Kayla off to class.
Meg walking to class.

Walking home from a great first day!

A New Dish

Mack made dinner!
Introducing Sesame Teriyaki Chicken and Noodles.

This picture really doesn't do this dish any justice. Despite it looking like worms in a bowl in this picture, it was delicious!
Good job Baby!

More Tomatoes

We were given more fresh tomatoes, so...
I decided to can them! Yes this was my first time and it was easy. We'll see how they taste when I cook with them!

Fresh tomatoes = more homemade salsa!

Cutie Kayla

Our "Bathing Beauty"

Kayla always sleeps with her stuffed animal friends. Not always the same ones, but they come in groups. She takes them wherever she sleeps. This night she made a pallet on our floor, because Megan was spending the night with a friend.

A 5th Graders Haircut Tale

A new school year is beginning,
I think it's time for a trimming.

Off to the beauty shop,
a 5th grader has to rock.

First a shampoo,
for the new school doo.

A snip here and a snip there,
all in a cool chair.

Blow drying time,
we hope you like our little rhyme.

The big 5th grader with a new doo,
now all we need to get her is a new pair of shoes.

Off To See the New School, New Classes and New Teachers

The girls and I walked over to their new school to check it all out.

In the new school there are lockers for their instruments. Megan is standing by the flute lockers.

Kayla and her friend Corinne standing in front of their classroom.