Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving Holiday Fun

A visit with cousin Aubrey, Megan, Grandma Moosman and Aunt Betsy.

Kayla and Uncle Les playing!

Kayla christening Aunt Lynne's new kitchen table!

Turkey Trot at school for 3rd-5th graders. Our new mascot trying to cross the finish line.

Yes, that is our little athlete! I was telling Megan that you hold your hands up as you cross the finish line. She was confused!

Playing in the leaves with friends!

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving in NYC

Another thing we can check off on the "Northeast Bucket List!"

The girls at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Some of the balloons we saw...

Santa's in town!

Thankful for Mexican food!

To the movies to see Megamind.

A pretzel before leaving the city.


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Here's What We've Been Up To...

Kayla Bear in curlers!

One of Megan's friends called and asked her to go to the mall (with a parent - of course!). It was so cute when she asked me, "Can I go to the mall with my friends on Saturday?" I was excited for her. It's fun seeing her grow up and doing girly stuff. Then a few seconds later, I thought, 'I can't have a daughter that's old enough to want to be going to the mall with her friends.' Well, she did get to go. She had lots of fun hanging out, shopping and having dinner with her friends!

A trip to Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les's to visit with Aunt Lynne and Great Grandma Moosman!

It's that time of year! We had a nice afternoon this past Sunday. We listened to Christmas music while setting up/decorating the tree and putting up stockings.

Happy Thanksgiving wishes to you all!