Thursday, March 31, 2011

D.A.R.E. Graduation

Megan Elizabeth Good, at her D.A.R.E. (Druge Abuse Resistance Education)Granduation.

Megan receiving her graduation certificate.

Presenting the D.A.R.E Graduation Class of 2010-2011!

Our D.A.R.E. Graduate! Congratulations, Meg!

Monday, March 28, 2011

in need of a sweet treat + moving soon = yummy ice cream in freezing temps

We will soon miss trips to Premise Maid, home of our favorite Pennsylvania ice cream. Even though the high was 37', we each enjoyed a scoop of yummy ice cream!

Surprise Brunch!

The mommies of Kayla's sweet friends, set up a going-away, surprise brunch for the girls! The brunch was at a precious tea room called, Sweet Memories.

Kayla (Megan, too!) was very surprised! We walked in and all the little voices said, "Surprise!"

Finishing up our yummy food!

The girls!

Everyone was so sweet to give the girls little memento's and stationary to be remembered by and keep in touch.

We are so thankful for the friends we have made in PA! It will be hard for the girls to leave their sweet friends! I will miss their mommies too!

Friday Evening Picnic

Kayla has been anxious to get outside and play. It's hard to believe, but we did have a couple days of warmer weather. Kayla had been wanting to go to the park and have a picnic. So on a warm Friday evening, we packed a basket of food and had a picnic dinner at the park.

Happy girls, to be out in the warm weather!

Run, skip, jump!

The girls enjoyed playing in the sand and climbing on rocks.

We are SO ready for warm weather all the time!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

We'll be off on a new adventure soon!

Since we have enjoyed our time in the Northeast, we thought we'd venture to the Southwest! At the end of April we will start our new adventure across the states, to Arizona!

Excited about the new climate and scenery!

Our new state! We'll live in Tucson.

Our new state flag!

Our new, unwanted, backyard pets! :0)

Come visit us in the desert!

The "Good" Talent Show

Kayla wanted to have a family talent show. While she got things set up, we decided and prepared to share our talents.

Kayla was the announcer!

Megan played the piano...

and her flute!

Daddy juggled!

I of course was the photographer, so I don't have any pictures of my talent. I showed how to make a cute flower pen!

Kurly Kayla

Kurler-head Kayla!

Next time I think we'll spray her hair with hair spray before we put the curlers in, but they did give her a pretty soft curl this time.
Our beautiful Kayla Mackenzie!

Laurie Friedman

Megan has enjoyed reading the Mallory books, written by Laurie Friedman.

After visiting her website and getting a new Mallory book for Christmas, Megan decided to write Laurie a letter. Every day, for a couple of months, Megan checked the mail with anticipation...

One day, as Megan came out of the door from the mail room at our apartment complex, she had a beaming smile! This is the day Megan had been waiting for!

Enclosed, Laurie Friedman sent Megan a letter, book marks and an autographed book label to put into one of her Mallory books.

Laurie encouraged Megan to continue reading and writing!

Book marks to share with friends and the autographed book label.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Date for Mack and I

For some reason, our very sweet daughters created a dinner date for us!
What a beautiful table setting!

The creators!

Planner/waitress, Kayla.

Planner/entertainment director, Megan.

The girls created a magical evening for Mack and I. Appetizers, entertainment, dancing, and a delicious dinner - thanks girls!

Megan's Plant Cell Project

Megan had to make a model for Science. She made a plant cell out of food.

Good job, Megadoodle!

Valentine's 2011

To kick off Valentine's Day, the girls recieved a special package from Grandma and Grandpa Good!
They were excited about their new shirts!

Yeah! New bottle caps for our necklace!

I was so proud of my "Green" girls! Both Kayla and Megan created their Valentine Boxes and Cards from supplies found at home.
Kayla's "beary" cute Valentine Box!

Kayla's homemade "beary" cute bear Valentine Cards. Sorry for the sideview picture.

Megan's Valentine Mailbox!

Megan's homemade heart cards! Again, sorry for the sideview.

A gift from Nana and Grandpa!

New outfits and a subscription to the American Girl magazine!

Thanks to our Grandpa's, Grandma and Nana, we looked super cute for our Valentine Parties!

Did the Valentine's Man come to 1063 Mosser Road, B205?

I guess so!

Hope your Valentine's Day was filled with lots of love too!

Ice Sledding

Well, I am really bummed! I have been trying to download a video of the girls "ice sledding." They had a really good time! After a lot of snow, we had a day of ice, so the snow was iced over. The girls thought it was fun to be able to slide down the small hill in our "backyard." In these pictures, the girls are actually moving.

Didn't get any still pictures, but they got their sleds out after this and had even more fun! The sleds went so fast on the ice!