Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Visit from Grandpa and Grandma Good

Fun times with Grandpa and Grandma!

Pretty hair Grandma!

It's a "bird," it's a "butterfly," NO, it's a BAT!!! Don't know if you can see it, but those things fly fast! Guess you had to be there to get the humor!



Sing a new song unto the Lord...God doesn't care what you sound like, right?!?

Bible skit.


Hanging out!
Come back and see us soon! We love you!

A New School: Canyon View Elementary School, Tucson, AZ

Even though Megan and Kayla were only at their new school for 2 1/2 weeks, I think they settled in just fine! Mack and I are so proud of their braveness, willingness to try new things and taking the opportunity to live life as an adventure!

Kayla got to spend the weekend with Jack and Shelly, from her new, 2nd Grade class. Kayla, Jack and Shelly relaxing by the hotel pool.

All the second graders were put into groups. Each group was a business. The students had to create a business and sell their products. They earned pretend money and took turns selling and shopping at eachothers shops.

Beautiful girls, ready for graduation!

Megan Good...graduating from 5th grade!

Megan and Ally.

Kayla's 2nd grade Water Day!

Megan and Ally at the 5th grade luau.

Megan's 5th grade water day. Only the 5th graders got the privilege of getting sprayed by the fire truck!

Sweet School Goodbyes

Fellow Jaindl friends made Megan and Kayla, special posters, a cool goodbye book and many sweet notes. We were blessed to have sweet friends in Pennsylvania!


Easter fell on the weekend before we moved to Tucson. It was a bitter sweet Easter Day for us. We had a nice, quiet day, with Uncle Les and Aunt Lynne all to ourselves!

Love this pic! Kayla's buddy...Uncle Les!

Ladies visiting with Mack and cooking in Aunt Lynne's beautiful new kitchen.

Easter Photographer!

Kayla always enjoys being outside at Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les's.

Happy Easter!

Ready, set, hunt...

What a nice pic!


Happy Early Retirement, Uncle Les!!! Love the hat, Grandma Moosman!

Always a great sport!!!

Thanks Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les for a special Easter!

"I thank my God every time I think of you." Philippians 1:3