Wednesday, December 23, 2009


One of Dad's wishes
was to go to Hershey, PA while he was here.
Mom, Dad, the girls and I had a yummy time at Chocolate World!

It was fun to experience Hershey's Chocolate World with all the Christmas trimmings!

Kayla and Dad in "class" at Hershey University!
We all got Masters Degree's in Chocolate Tasting!

After the interactive, 3-D chocolate show!
Oh, yeah. After each ride or attraction we got a FREE piece of CHOCOLATE!

Merry Chocolate Christmas!

Dad, Mom and Megan on the Chocolate Tour ride.
We loved it so much, we went two times!

Our two soldiers!
Always at attention when we say!

What a fun place to visit for young and old,
or should I say
a fun place for ALL chocolate lovers to visit!

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