Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Okay everyone, say goodbye to outside, blue tinted pictures from the Good's.
The blue tint camera has retired!
Now I have a fun, fancy camera!
Just have to figure out how to use it! :)
Thanks Baby!

Finally, Valentine Parties at school!

After 6 days off, it was back to school and party time!
Kayla Bear before her class did a Valentine presentation.
Where is Kayla?
"I love my family because they care for me."
Megan at her party!
Happy Valentine's 2010!

Thank you Presidents...

...for the day off of school!
Back to Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les's for more sledding fun!
Well, not so much fun for Kayla, at one point.
Tubing down the slope with Daedra and Abigail!
Megan and Kayla went down together on the sleds,
something happened and Megan ran over Kayla's head!
After a 30 minute TV break and an ice pack, Kayla was up and going again!
Thanks Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les for our soft, cuddly dog and bear.
We love our big mugs too!
After the sledding accident, the girls opted for the snow tubes!
Plus, the tubes go faster! :)

The Valentine's Day Man!

The girls were worried that the Valentine's Man might not come to Pennsylvania.
Would he know were they had moved to and
would he come to an apartment?
If so, when would he be here???
Heading down stairs to see if the one who rang the door bell is the...
Must have been Him!
Matching shirts, CD's and chocolate!
Yea, the Valentine's Man found us!

Valentine's From Dallas

Opening Valentine's from Dallas!
Thank you Tanner and Sydney for our
Valentine's and delicious cookies!
We love our soft, cozy pants Grandpa and Grandma!
We love and miss you lots! Can't wait to see you guys this summer!

Sledding at Uncle Les and Aunt Lynne's

After the BIG snow,
Uncle Les and Daedra and Abigail's daddy,
made a COOL sled run for the girls to go down!
After a bit of sledding, Kayla went to building her snow castle!
Here comes Mommy, watch out!
And Daddy too!
Wow Kayla, on your tummy!

Valentine Date

Mack was a lucky man this Valentine's.
With four girls on his arm, he
took his Valentine's to the
Apollo Grill in Historical Bethlehem.
He presented each lady with a rose!
Megan and Kayla received a beautiful cross from their
Forever Valentine - Daddy!

A gift from his girls!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After School + Living in PA = Playing in the Snow

Snow Angel Kayla!
Playing in the snow!
Snow Cute!
Snow Bunnies:
Megadoodle and Kayla Bear

Happy Birthday Uncle Les!

Another special PA memory!
After school the girls and I drove up to celebrate
Uncle Les's Birthday!
(Kayla sold some Girls Scout Cookies too!)
Megan did not have "Happy Birthday" sheet music,
but was able to "compose" the song from the notes she knew.
Pretty impressive Megan!
Uncle Les and his two silly girls!
What is that mischievous smile on your face Uncle Les???
Oh, that's what it is!
How's the icing Kayla???
And Megan, what in the world are you doing?
Kayla Bear and Great Grandma!
Kayla, playing keep away from Uncle Les.
And Megan, too!
Thanks Great Grandma for the Valentine goodies!
Uncle Les's new toy!
Thanks for the memories
Uncle Les, Aunt Lynne and Great Grandma!
And thanks for the pizza and yummy cake and ice cream too!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Kayla had a date!

Kayla invited her Daddy to the Father/Daughter Dance!
The older Girl Scout Troops held a dance for the younger girls!
Kayla, receiving her corsage from Daddy!
Princess Kayla was very excited and surprised about the corsage!
(P.S. - This was a very sweet moment!
Watching Mack put the corsage on Kayla was so precious!
I think it was a special moment for the two of them as well!)
The Cowboy couple!
The Princess and her corsage!
This was really the perfect night for all of us!
Kayla had a date with Daddy - she got to be the Princess/Tomboy that she is!
Daddy got to wear Cowboy gear, jeans and a hat!
Megan got to spend the night with a friend!
And after convincing the girls that I would be okay for a few hours by myself on a Friday night, I had some Mommy shopping time! :)

Girl Scout Cookies Anyone???

Hi, my name is Kayla.
Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?

It's official,
we have a Daisy Girl Scout in the house!

Kayla reciting the Girl Scout Pledge with her troop. Receiving her pin and some of the patches she earned!

The sweetest Daisy ever!

Having a little celebration snack!

Daisy Troop #665!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

A "taste" of home!

Oh, how we would love to have some
to eat!
Thanks Nana and Grandpa for the cute shirts!
Wish we could have been there to eat lunch with
you guys and Grandpa and Grandma!

Miniature Golf

We played Inside Miniature Golf on Saturday at church.
Members from the church created each hole.
It was a fun way to spend a cold morning inside!

Yes, even inside I am all bundled up - It is SO COLD!

You can't see it, but this was the last hole.
It was so cool!

And I can't forget our grand finale!
There is a new Mexican food restaurant near the mall.
We tried it and it wasn't bad!
Oh, do we miss
Every meal in Houston this summer will be at La Hacienda!