Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Happy Birthday Uncle Les!

Another special PA memory!
After school the girls and I drove up to celebrate
Uncle Les's Birthday!
(Kayla sold some Girls Scout Cookies too!)
Megan did not have "Happy Birthday" sheet music,
but was able to "compose" the song from the notes she knew.
Pretty impressive Megan!
Uncle Les and his two silly girls!
What is that mischievous smile on your face Uncle Les???
Oh, that's what it is!
How's the icing Kayla???
And Megan, what in the world are you doing?
Kayla Bear and Great Grandma!
Kayla, playing keep away from Uncle Les.
And Megan, too!
Thanks Great Grandma for the Valentine goodies!
Uncle Les's new toy!
Thanks for the memories
Uncle Les, Aunt Lynne and Great Grandma!
And thanks for the pizza and yummy cake and ice cream too!

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