Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Egg Hunt

At church, having breakfast and working on an Easter craft before the Egg Hunt.
Yea, we found some eggs!
What's inside?
Hoppy Easter to you and your family!

1st Grade Job Fair

The first graders chose what they wanted to be when they grow up.
They sang and danced to some cute songs, like "9 to 5!"
Each of the kids presented what their job was and some of the responsibilities it came with.
Kayla wants to be a teacher!
I am so proud!
Miss Good's desk.
It was precious, all the kids made business cards and passed them out!
Miss Kayla Good

First Trip to the Slopes

Bear Creek is 7 miles from the house,
so it was cool to pack up the car and be at the slopes in 15 minutes!
A view of the slopes as we drove in.
It was a beautiful day.
We did have a light snow a couple of times while we were on the slopes.
It was beautiful!
Getting ready to suit-up!
Hi Kayla Bear!
Mack and the girls!
The girls!
After skiing, we went up to the lodge for dinner
and enjoyed the toasty fire places.
Ski hair!
Photo by photographer : Megan
Photo by photographer : Kayla

Monday, March 29, 2010

Last Play in the Snow

This was the girls last time to play in the snow.
So long Winter 2010!
And you will notice NO BLUE TINT in the outside pictures!!! :-)
Fun times sledding!
Even without a sled!

Tooth Fairy Time

First lost tooth in PA!
The lucky winner was Kayla!

Yea, the Tooth Fairy found me!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Well, hello there!

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I posted something.
I really haven't taken many pictures lately.
So don't worry, you haven't missed out on anything! :)
I had to take my camera back and I am waiting to get the new one.
Megan has been letting me use hers!
Not too much going on around here these days.
Just the same routine.
When I do get my camera back, I'll post a few pictures from when we went skiing.
We are awaiting the arrival of Grandma and Grandpa Good
(a.k.a. - Mom and Dad) at the beginning of April!
I am sure we'll have some fun pictures to share from their trip.
Hope all is well with you and your families.
Easter Blessings!
Megan lounging on the couch.
Kayla has been doing her homework out on the balcony
during the beautiful weather we have been having.