Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Well, hello there!

I can't believe it's been a whole month since I posted something.
I really haven't taken many pictures lately.
So don't worry, you haven't missed out on anything! :)
I had to take my camera back and I am waiting to get the new one.
Megan has been letting me use hers!
Not too much going on around here these days.
Just the same routine.
When I do get my camera back, I'll post a few pictures from when we went skiing.
We are awaiting the arrival of Grandma and Grandpa Good
(a.k.a. - Mom and Dad) at the beginning of April!
I am sure we'll have some fun pictures to share from their trip.
Hope all is well with you and your families.
Easter Blessings!
Megan lounging on the couch.
Kayla has been doing her homework out on the balcony
during the beautiful weather we have been having.

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