Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Megan on the computer.

Daddy set up emails for the girls, they are so excited!

Great site and safe email for kids -

Kayla making chocolate chip cookies after school.


We hope you all are having a great week!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Sweet & Sassy Little Kayla

Kayla went to Sweet & Sassy to celebrate her friend Riya's birthday!
Mommy observing, because I know I am going to be asked to do this hair-do one day.
Make-up time!
Looking good!
Time for the nails!
There's Daddy's Little Girl!
Kayla and Riya, getting their nails done.
Glitter and Stars!

Megan and Kayla

My Megan is growing up!
Princess Kayla having a tea party with her dolls!

Democrat or Republican?

Mack had the HONOR and PRIVILEGE of meeting the Vice President of the United States!
Joe Biden came to Bethlehem to speak about the federal stimulus money used to expand the Ben Franklin Technology Center (the building Mack works in, on the Lehigh University campus).
Speaking - the Mayor of Bethlehem.
The "used car salesman" like figure on the left - Joe Biden.
Mark Granahan on the right - the guy who started Ciclon (the company that was bought by TI).
Mack was amazed by all the security:
Secret Service, armed men in camouflage, guards on the roof of the building, helicopters.
Mack was told to unfold his arms by a Secret Service man.
A few minutes later, he was asked to get his hands out of his pocket, by another.
Mack, a person of interest?
Mack was so moved by Biden's speech, he is considering changing parties! :)
Yeah right!
Well, at least he can say he shook the hand of a Vice President, even if it was Joe Biden!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's a Special Day!

Happy 10th Anniversary Sharon and Craig!
Love and miss you guys bunches!
Can't wait for summer!
Happy First Birthday
Miss Shelby L. Fisher!
We can't wait to see you this summer! You are going to be such a big girl!
Give those handsome brothers of yours big hugs from us!

Lots of Cookies = Build-a-Bear Workshop

Kayla's Daisy Troop, set a cookie goal and met it!
A trip to Build-a-Bear Workshop to celebrate!
Princess Kayla!

Daisy Kayla and Daisy Spring!

Some Highlights of Our Week with Grandma and Grandpa Good

Megan and Kayla were off the Monday after Easter,
so while Daddy was at work, we drove to Hershey,PA.
Mmmmmmm chocolate!
A trip to the Pocono's to try out another PA casino!
A typical scene.
Can you say, "SWEET TEA?"
This is what you call, free entertainment! :)

NYC with Grandpa and Grandma Good

We got lots of exercise touring the NYC sites!
In Battery Park City,
with the Statue of Liberty off to the right, in the distance.
At the MET - Van Gogh.
Taking a snack break on the steps of the MET.
Central Park
The big girls got to see Mamma Mia!

We love our Grandparents!

The girls made Grandma and Grandpa Good
feel welcomed when they arrived from their long journey from Texas!
Thanks for the Easter/Spring goodies from
Nana and Grandpa
Grandma and Grandpa!