Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Democrat or Republican?

Mack had the HONOR and PRIVILEGE of meeting the Vice President of the United States!
Joe Biden came to Bethlehem to speak about the federal stimulus money used to expand the Ben Franklin Technology Center (the building Mack works in, on the Lehigh University campus).
Speaking - the Mayor of Bethlehem.
The "used car salesman" like figure on the left - Joe Biden.
Mark Granahan on the right - the guy who started Ciclon (the company that was bought by TI).
Mack was amazed by all the security:
Secret Service, armed men in camouflage, guards on the roof of the building, helicopters.
Mack was told to unfold his arms by a Secret Service man.
A few minutes later, he was asked to get his hands out of his pocket, by another.
Mack, a person of interest?
Mack was so moved by Biden's speech, he is considering changing parties! :)
Yeah right!
Well, at least he can say he shook the hand of a Vice President, even if it was Joe Biden!

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