Thursday, May 27, 2010

Katie's Latest Adventures!!!

I have been wanting to take
the Wilton Cake Decorating class at Michael's, so I finally did!
Turn your head to the left to look at this picture.
I tried five times to get this picture going in the right direction
and I couldn't figure it out,
so you just have to look at my first decorated cake with a head tilt! :)
Second decorating experience.
I have lots of practice to do on my roses, but it was a fun start!
My last cake, in honor of my mom,
who came up to PA to help out for a couple of weeks.
And if you were wondering,
yes - I did graduate from my cake decorating class! :)
Back to work!
I wanted something to do while the girls were in school, so I got a part-time job at Kohl's!
I am three weeks into it. It's fun so far. I like getting out of the house and talking with people. The discount is fun too! So far I have only worked days and weekends. Tonight I work, so we'll see how I like working nights and weekends after a while. :) It's worth a try!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Parkland Art Show

These pictures aren't very clear.
Mommy forgot her camera, so these pictures are taken on the cell phone.
Megan and Kayla's art was chosen to go into the district art show.
We had fun at the Art Festival - food, art, shopping, friends and face painting!

Band Concert

Megan and some of her flute friends at their first Band Concert!
Our flute playing Megadoodle!
Megan had a speaking part during the concert.
Libby, Nana and Aunt Lynne enjoyed the concert!
Mommy and Daddy did too!

Troop #665 had a Bridging Ceremony for the girls going to Brownies next year.
Saying the Girl Scout Pledge.
Kayla sharing her favorite things about Daisies this year.
Nana is enjoying seeing the girls end of the year activities!
A brownie for our Brownie!
The Lehigh Valley Service Unit held an award ceremony too.
Kayla after bridging and getting her certificate.
Troop #665 with other troops singing a Girl Scout song.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Lock Ridge Park

A friend told me about this park...
Lock Ridge Park and Furnace Museum
A unique place to take pictures and beautiful grounds.
The Furnace Museum was not open when we were there, so we'll have to go back to check out some history.
So, here are some pictures of the Good girls, Daddy was the photographer...

34 years = road trip

For my birthday we headed up to Wilkes-Barre, about an hour north of us.
We got to eat at LOGAN'S!!!
"Attention Logan's! We have a very special guest from Texas, celebrating her 34th birthday..."
Megan playing "Happy Birthday" for me!
Our COOL Logan's shirts from Nana and Grandpa!
The Logan's girls - well at least the two on the left!