Thursday, May 27, 2010

Katie's Latest Adventures!!!

I have been wanting to take
the Wilton Cake Decorating class at Michael's, so I finally did!
Turn your head to the left to look at this picture.
I tried five times to get this picture going in the right direction
and I couldn't figure it out,
so you just have to look at my first decorated cake with a head tilt! :)
Second decorating experience.
I have lots of practice to do on my roses, but it was a fun start!
My last cake, in honor of my mom,
who came up to PA to help out for a couple of weeks.
And if you were wondering,
yes - I did graduate from my cake decorating class! :)
Back to work!
I wanted something to do while the girls were in school, so I got a part-time job at Kohl's!
I am three weeks into it. It's fun so far. I like getting out of the house and talking with people. The discount is fun too! So far I have only worked days and weekends. Tonight I work, so we'll see how I like working nights and weekends after a while. :) It's worth a try!

1 comment:

  1. Good job Katie, I'm so impressed! I've always wanted to know how to decorate like that!
    I wanted to work part-time for Pottery Barn but Chad ultimately said that would be a net loss for us so I never did. ;) I also wondered about nights and weekends - they won't let you schedule just days at Kohl's? Maybe when Cassie Beth and Grady are in school full-time, I'll look into it again (you know, in 6 years!)
