Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Day

Looks like Santa was here!

We went to Uncle Les and Aunt Lynne's for Christmas dinner. It was a nice evening. Libby was in town and we enjoyed meeting Uncle Les's family.

Megan entertained us by playing Christmas music!

Present stealing fun!!!

Decorating Uncle Les -- such a good sport!

Cousin Libby, Megan and Kayla.

Uncle Les with the ladies!

Christmas Eve

An eventful Christmas Eve for the Good's:
It started off with me working at Kohl's.
Then we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.
While waiting to go to the 9 pm church service, Megan lost her tooth.
Christmas Day we found out that cousin Rachel lost her tooth on
Christmas Eve too!
The Tooth Fairy and Santa had a busy night!

Megan was an Acolyte for the 9 pm Christmas Eve service.
It's a tradition to let the girls open one present on Christmas Eve. I wonder what it could be...

Yep, they get matching pj's each year!

Well, last year we let the girls open presents from extended family and of course they begged us to let them do that again this year.

Reading and acting out, "The Night Before Christmas."

Putting out the "Santa Key." It worked last year, so we tried it again this year -- Thanks Aunt Lynne!

Snacks for Santa and his reindeer!

Fogelsville Winter Concert

Among other musicians, Megan and two of her flute friends were chosen to play in the Winter Concert at their old school (Fogelsville). With the new school (Jaindl)opening this school year,the size of the band and orchestra at Fogelsville dwindled. Students with good grades, conduct, practice habits and class time, were chosen to play with the Fogelsville band and orchestra. We are proud of our little flutist!

Kayla's 8!

Wear your finest dress and your mother's pearls,
We're having a tea party just for the girls.
This year, Kayla is turning eight,
So come enjoy her Birthday Tea on the following date...

The girls decorated hats while waiting for all guests to arrive.

Learning proper table etiquette.

Tea time!

The Birthday Girl!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

First Time As An Acolyte

This year Megan was old enough to become an Acolyte at church. She did a wonderful job for her first time! We are so proud of our Megadoodle!

Preparing before church.


One of Megan's BFF's performed in the Allentown Symphony Nutcracker.
Kayla, Megan, Caitlyn and I got dressed up and had lunch at the Olive Garden before heading to the ballet.

Waiting for the Nutcracker to start.

The girls with Julia. Julia was one of the Polichinelles (eight little french clowns that come out of mother ginger's skirt).

After the ballet, we got to go to the after party for sweet treats and to meet some of the performers:
The Mouse King and the girls.

The girls with Clara and the Nutcracker Prince.

Another picture with some of the dancers.

This was a fun trip for the girls and for me as well. As a child I used to get dressed up each Christmas season, go out to eat and then off to the Nutcracker ballet with my mom and sister.

Jaindl Winter Concert

Megan joined the 5th grade Chorus this year and continues to play the flute. Jaindl's 5th Grade Chorus and Band held a Winter Concert.

Megan was a speaker during the concert.

Megan played in the band and sang in the chorus. During one of the chorus songs, Megan and two of her fellow flute players were chosen to play their instruments while the others sang.

A few of Megan's fans!

The trio! AKA - Megan and two of her very sweet, close friends or the two reasons Megan wants to stay in PA! ;0)


While I was in Texas, Aunt Lynne and Uncle Les took the girls to their special spot...FRIENDLY'S!
Kayla got to make her own ice cream snowman!