Monday, January 10, 2011

Christmas Eve

An eventful Christmas Eve for the Good's:
It started off with me working at Kohl's.
Then we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner.
While waiting to go to the 9 pm church service, Megan lost her tooth.
Christmas Day we found out that cousin Rachel lost her tooth on
Christmas Eve too!
The Tooth Fairy and Santa had a busy night!

Megan was an Acolyte for the 9 pm Christmas Eve service.
It's a tradition to let the girls open one present on Christmas Eve. I wonder what it could be...

Yep, they get matching pj's each year!

Well, last year we let the girls open presents from extended family and of course they begged us to let them do that again this year.

Reading and acting out, "The Night Before Christmas."

Putting out the "Santa Key." It worked last year, so we tried it again this year -- Thanks Aunt Lynne!

Snacks for Santa and his reindeer!

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