Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Megan and Kayla thought we were heading to Atlantic City for their long weekend off, so Daddy could play in a poker tournament. But...SURPRISE...Five fun days with Grandpa and Grandma Good too!

Ben & Jerry, I mean...
Kayla & Grandpa

...Grandpa & Megan

A swim with Daddy at the hotel pool!

Peace Pancake!

Grandpa loves the iPod Touch!

Mack and Mom along the snowy Boardwalk.

Kayla feeding pigeons with Grandpa.

"Undercover Boss, Cathy"

At the Pier, waiting for the Water Show.

Strike a pose!

On the way to the movies, Grandpa and Grandma got to see what happens to all the snow in parking lots.

Megadoodle lost a tooth!!!

We dropped Grandpa and Grandma off at the airport, then stopped at Chipotle for dinner on our way through Philly.

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma for a fabulous SURPRISE! It was great seeing you!

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