Friday, April 8, 2011

For Uncle Craig...

Two Easter's ago, Uncle Craig told the kids that if they wanted to dye eggs, they had to try eating a hard boiled egg. Of course Ryan and Kayla said, "OK!" and Rachel and Megan said "no way!" Well, Kayla liked it!!! Now that it's Easter season, Kayla reminded me how much she likes hard boiled eggs. As you can imagine, no one else in the house likes them, so it doesn't even cross my mind to make them, plus --- they REALLY smell!

I have never made hard boiled eggs, so Kayla and I learned together. I read each step and Kayla took action. I didn't think about taking pictures until the eggs were ready to be pealed. Kayla really did each step herself: pan, water, stove, boil, timer, eggs to ice cold water, etc.

Pealing the egg.

Pretty good for a first hard boiled attempt!

"Mmmm," said Kayla! "Smelly," said Mommy! ;0)

So thanks, Uncle Craig, for the memory that Kayla has of enjoying a healthy snack and the reminder to her mean,picky mom that she doesn't introduce and continue making healthy (stinky) food for her children! ;0)

P.S. - If you were wondering...yes, Rachel and Megan did get to dye eggs, but it was a nice try to get them to taste a new food!

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