Sunday, February 26, 2012

Still Missing Daddy...

Hi Daddy! Well, we kicked our weekend off early, here in Tucson, Arizona. It was Rodeo Break! We didn't do anything that had to do with Rodeo, but sure are glad we had a nice long weekend! Rodeo Break started out with Megan getting out half a day. After picking Kayla up from school, Megan went to a friends house. Kayla and Mommy headed to Sabino!
After our hike at Sabino, we met Megan and her friend at the mall for a little shopping and visiting. Thursday morning we woke up early and headed to Mesa, Arizona...well, after a stop at McDonald's and the Donut Wheel! While Mommy's car was getting worked on we went to the mall to browse and shop. Then off to Logan's!!!
Of course we had to stop by IKEA on the way home and do some shopping!
After a fun, long day of being gone for 12 hours, we were glad to get home. Friday we woke up and Kayla had some friends over. We relaxed in the afternoon and for dinner we went to Taco Tote. We know you don't care for that place, so it was a good place for us girls to grab dinner.
And yes...some more shopping at Bookman's (with credit!) and a quick trip to Lowe's. We got up early Saturday morning to take Meg to work on the demolition of the FX room. Kayla and I went to the donut shop, played Mexican Train, played with My Little Ponies, read, rested and worked in the back yard, before picking Megan up from church. When we got home, we made dinner and watched Mr. Popper's Penguins, it was a cute family movie. After the movie the girls dipped their hands and feet in the paraffin wax. Then off to bed to read and get some sleep.
Sunday we finally got to sleep in! Church, home for lunch, cleaning, playing Headbandz and hanging out. Off to AJ's for dinner before Megan's Small Group meeting. While Megan was at Small Group, Kayla and I walked around the mall. When we got home, we grabbed a quick snack, picked up, got ready for school and bed and then read until bedtime. It was nice to have some time off of school! Back to a regular week and counting down the days until we get to see our Daddy-O! We love and miss you!

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