Saturday, June 9, 2012

Megan Goes to the Grand Canyon

Megan's 6th Grade Class got to go on a trip to the
Grand Canyon!
Megadoodle's very first travel trip away with out Mommy or Daddy!
3 1/2 Days!

They left at 8:30 am on a Wednesday morning.
Fun on the bus with friends!

First stop...
 Montezuma Castle National Monument
for lunch and a streching break.

 Group pic!
 Next stop was Williams, AZ!
Dinner at the Train Depot Restaurant and first night in hotel!
The next morning...
The train took them into the

 That night they got dressed up and had dinner at El Tovar Hotel!
Below is the dress Megan got for the evening and her new travel bag!
At the beginning of the trip, each student was given a name.
While traveling and during quiet times in there rooms, they were to write "blessings" for the person that they were given.
Back at the hotel that evening, they presented their "blessings" to eachother!
Second night at hotel!
Friday morning they did more hiking and exploring,
before getting back on the train to head to Williams, where there bus was.

I think Megadoodle took some pretty good pics!
Most of all, she did awesome traveling away from home with out us!
So proud of her, but can't believe our
Megan Elizabeth Good
is growing up...
into a beautiful young lady, with a great big heart, whom loves her family, friends
and our precious Lord and Savior!

What a blessing for Megan to see one of the
Seven Natural Wonders of the World,
with her 6th grade classmates and teachers!

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