Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Have you been waiting for an update???

We (as in, I, Katie) are still getting settled into the apartment. I am taking my time, finding a place for things, and putting things away for storage. So far apartment life is not bad. Mack's favorite part is that when something isn't working, he doesn't have to worry about it!!! I just make a call and they come fix it!
Here are a few things we've been up to:
Mack brought a flute home for Megan on his last Dallas trip. She was so excited and surprised! So far she has had two lessons. I never thought I'd be a BAND PARENT, but she is excited and MAKING MUSIC!!!

Kayla taking a ride to take the trash and recycled stuff with Daddy!

Last week Kayla celebrated Apple Week at school and learned all about Johnny Appleseed!

Mega-doodle and Kayla Bear!

Hope you all have a blessed week!

Monday, September 14, 2009

What! I Have to Start Cleaning???

Yes, it is going to be no fun getting back to cleaning my house (well, apartment)! this point, I welcome a home to clean!

The girls and I picked up the keys to our apartment after school today! I will drop the girls off at school in the morning and head HOME! The movers and Aunt Lynne (Thanks for the helping hand Aunt Lynne!) will be there 9:30 ish, and the fun will begin! I am ready to organize, get settled and into a routine!

Here are a few more Hotel Fun moments:

Kayla's castle! Ooops, I forgot to take a picture of the other side. We (all four of us were different rocks!) each had our own room (painted our favorite color), a living room, kitchen, etc.

Megan made a home for the giraffe she got at the Lehigh Valley Zoo.

The girls were so good at using their imaginations, for 6 weeks in the hotel!

It was great having an indoor pool/spa, especially as the weather started getting cooler!

Last swim of the year for us!
Well, we hope you are enjoying our PA adventures so far! We wish family and friends could be here to experience it ALL with us!
I'll be busy with the move over the next few days, not to mention, I have no clue how to get the computers up and working with Internet! So, no more posts until Mack gets home. :(
Ya'll have a terrific week and I'll try to get a post out this weekend!
Hugs to everyone! :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

And The Winner Is...

Mexican food is hard to come by up here!
So far, we have tried 4 Mexican food restaurants.
Here's the winner so far...
Located in a cute college town called Kutztown.
Yummy chicken fajitas!
Okay cheese enchiladas.
Hot salsa!
Stale chips
Bottled/Canned soda.
Store bought flour tortillas.
And this is the lovely art work we got to enjoy as we ate!
When you figure it out let me know!!!
By now, ALL the TEXANS are feeling sorry for us - right?
So PLEASE eat a GOOD Mexican Food meal for us!

It's the Weekend!

The girls had a great first week of school!
One week down, about 40 more to go! :)
When I picked the girls up from school on Friday, it was rainy and 59 degrees!
Megan was so cold, she had to make hot chocolate on the way up to our hotel room. Boy is she going to be drinking lots of hot chocolate this winter!!!

ANGEL Kayla!
When Kayla got into the car after school she said,
"That was the best day ever!"

Thursday, September 10, 2009


These are the kind of mailboxes they have in Pennsylvania!

Just kidding...
They aren't ALL like this!
I think this is the funniest mailbox I've ever seen! We pass it on our way to my Aunt Lynne's house. The girls always want me to slow down so they can see it!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Off to School!

Nothing like a healthy pancake breakfast!
I can't believe our girls are getting so big!
Megan 4th and Kayla 1st

Walking to their classes-

The girls had a great morning!
I am feeling lonely here in this quiet hotel room! No worries, it won't take me long to start enjoying my quiet days!!! :)
Can't wait to hear about how their day is going! We'll keep you posted!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend = Lake Fun!

"Net fishing"
Kayla loves hanging out at the dock feeding the fish
and catching them!

Aunt Peggy took us down to the park for a yummy treat -

Look at those LEAVES CHANGING!
Oh, and the girls swimming in the lake too! :)

What's better than a great campfire?
Family and friends sitting around one on two beautiful nights!

Megan enjoying a s'more - mmmmm...!

My sweet little Kayla! :)

Colleen and Kayla ready to go tubing - Wheee!

Coursey, Megan and Catherine enjoying the boat ride!

Mack, Megan, Kayla and I learned to kayak - it was cool!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Hotel Days!

We've enjoyed many crafts, lots of tv, walks to Sonic for "Happy Hour" and fun swimming in the pool and hot tub!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ready for School!

Megan and Kayla met their teachers today and took a tour through their new school. They are excited!

Guess what...we met a new student that just moved from The Woodlands, Texas!!! Can you believe it? We were getting out of the car and saw people getting out of their car with a TEXAS license plate. We asked them where they were from and the little girl is in 1st grade just like Kayla! They are living in our apartment complex too!!!

We finished up last minute school shopping today and are ready for school to start on Tuesday!
Have a fun, safe Labor Day Weekend!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pickin' Peaches

Yesterday was a beautiful day! We picked Aunt Lynne up and went peach picking at Strawberry Acres! The girls had fun, but let's just say...these "girly girls" DON'T like bugs!!!