Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Have you been waiting for an update???

We (as in, I, Katie) are still getting settled into the apartment. I am taking my time, finding a place for things, and putting things away for storage. So far apartment life is not bad. Mack's favorite part is that when something isn't working, he doesn't have to worry about it!!! I just make a call and they come fix it!
Here are a few things we've been up to:
Mack brought a flute home for Megan on his last Dallas trip. She was so excited and surprised! So far she has had two lessons. I never thought I'd be a BAND PARENT, but she is excited and MAKING MUSIC!!!

Kayla taking a ride to take the trash and recycled stuff with Daddy!

Last week Kayla celebrated Apple Week at school and learned all about Johnny Appleseed!

Mega-doodle and Kayla Bear!

Hope you all have a blessed week!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I've been waiting! :) My next door neighbor is a master flutist! And I never thought I'd MARRY a band guy. ;) And he's hot and smart. Yay for Megan playing the flute.
