Friday, October 2, 2009

Princess Night and Chick-fil-a...Who could ask for more???

Kayla has been waiting for three weeks for Princess Night at Chick-fil-a! And I was waiting for a good excuse to go there, so it worked out great! :) Princess Night was this Wednesday and the girls had a "ball!"

"Katie," the lady putting make-up on Kayla, is from Houston, Texas!!! Megan noticed she had a James Avery necklace on - Texas shape with heart inside. Her family lives in the Woodlands and she is moving back there in December.

Princess Megan getting her nails done!

Kayla felt like a "real princess" as her dress dragged down the stairs!

Princess Megan and Queen Kayla!

The flutist!
One of these days I'll record her and you can listen to her practice!

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