Monday, September 14, 2009

What! I Have to Start Cleaning???

Yes, it is going to be no fun getting back to cleaning my house (well, apartment)! this point, I welcome a home to clean!

The girls and I picked up the keys to our apartment after school today! I will drop the girls off at school in the morning and head HOME! The movers and Aunt Lynne (Thanks for the helping hand Aunt Lynne!) will be there 9:30 ish, and the fun will begin! I am ready to organize, get settled and into a routine!

Here are a few more Hotel Fun moments:

Kayla's castle! Ooops, I forgot to take a picture of the other side. We (all four of us were different rocks!) each had our own room (painted our favorite color), a living room, kitchen, etc.

Megan made a home for the giraffe she got at the Lehigh Valley Zoo.

The girls were so good at using their imaginations, for 6 weeks in the hotel!

It was great having an indoor pool/spa, especially as the weather started getting cooler!

Last swim of the year for us!
Well, we hope you are enjoying our PA adventures so far! We wish family and friends could be here to experience it ALL with us!
I'll be busy with the move over the next few days, not to mention, I have no clue how to get the computers up and working with Internet! So, no more posts until Mack gets home. :(
Ya'll have a terrific week and I'll try to get a post out this weekend!
Hugs to everyone! :)

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