Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day

We had a fun, busy St. Patty's Day!
After some kickball fun with church friends,
we had lunch at Oregano's with Grandma Howell and Haley!
Green ice cream!
I'll be divorced after posting this picture...
St. Patty's Day evening, Mack, the girls and I
 enjoyed time, relaxing in the hot tub.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Flash Back #23: Kayla's Gi, February 2012

Well, this is it - the last Flash Back!
Now that I'm caught up, hopefully I can keep up
with posting pictures of our family activities.

Kayla in her Goshinjitsu Gi!

Flash Back #22: Daddy and Me Dance, February 2012

Daddy and Me Dance
Our church had a Daddy and Me Dance.
Here are the girls waiting downstairs for their date!
 There he is!
Daddy putting the corsages on his girls!

 Lookin' good!
 I made corsages for the first time!

Flash Back #21: U of A Basketball Game, February 2012

We had fun attending the U of A Basketball with Flat Stephanie!
 This picture is for Grandma Good.
If you look real close you can see them, it was a wienner dog race!
 After the game, the girls got to go down on the court and shoot a hoop!

Flash Back #20: Renaissance Festival, February 2012

The 6th Graders were excited to miss a day of school and go on a field trip
to the Renaissance Festival,
I was excited to go too!
We had had beautiful days prior to and the day of the field trip, rain, cold and yes, SNOW!
After walking around in the wet, muddy, cold rain, we decided to just hang out on the bus.
Flat Stephanie was visiting from Florida.
Too bad she didn't have a better Renaissance Festival experience,
but she did have fun hanging out on the bus!

We had heard that it was snowing at PRCA.
Sure enough, on our way home, the mountains had a nice blanket of snow on them.

Flash Back #19: Valentine's Day, February 2012

Happy Valentine's Day
and you know what that means...

 We had a lovely Valentine dinner at home.
 Thank you, Pizza Hut, dinner was great!
  Daddy always knows what his girls like!
James Avery!
The little girls got necklaces and his big girl got a cool ring!
Beautiful roses too!

Flash Back #18: Spaghetti Family Dinner, January 2012

Spaghetti Dinner
Grandpa, Nana and Great Grandma Howell
 Entertainment by Megan and Kayla
Megan playing her flute on the stairs.
 Kayla showing her Goshinjitzu moves!
Blessed by good food and family!

Flash Back #17: Renaissance Banquet, January 2012

6th Grade Renaissance Banquet at PRCA
Megan being introduced as a potter.
 The King and Queen
You can see Megan at the table.  See her white hat peeking out?
 Megan, the potter!
 Each student had to get up and give a short speech about who they were.
 Megan and her Daddy!
 They learned Renaissance dances,
it was so cute (and awkward) seeing the boys and girls dance together!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flash Back #16: Kayla's Birthday Weekend, December 2011

December 3, 2011
Happy 9th Birthday, Kayla Bear!

"Happy Birthday" calls, on the way to Phoenix.
 The birthday girls favorite restaurant!
 At the Cardinals vs. Cowboys game!

Flash Back #15: Kayla's 9th Birthday at Peter Piper Pizza, December 2011

Making her personal pizza!
 Make a wish!
 It was fun for Great Grandma Howell to get to come to Kayla's birthday!
 Crazy girls!

Flash Back #14: Christmas, December 2011

Christmas Eve, after church, the girls got to open their "tradition" present!
 Cute matching pj's!
 Merry Christmas!

 Game time!

 Kayla's Candy House, she made at school.
It was nice having Nana and Grandpa in Tucson with us for Christmas!