Monday, March 12, 2012

Flash Back #6: Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts, September 2011

 We received this box...addressed to Megan Good.
I know I didn't order anything with her and I was pretty sure Mack hadn't.
When Megan got home from school, she opened it. 
 As soon as I saw the large box with
 "Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts" written of the side,
 I knew exactly who it was from...
sweet Kristen Supan!
She was coming from Texas and asked if we needed anything. 
I told her we had looked everywhere for Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts and hadn't found any.
If she didn't mind bringing A SMALL BOX, Megan would be so excited.
Well, needless to say...Megan was very excited when she received her
LARGE BOX of Chocolate Chip Pop-Tarts!
 Happy Megan!
Thanks Miss Kristen!!!

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