Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flash Back #13: Old Tucson Studios, December 2011

There he is, on the official day of his retirement,
Jerry Donald Way!!!
 We enjoyed the day at Old Tucson Studios!
 "Hands up!"

The "Moosman" Girl

 Panning for gold.

 A train ride!
 I love the way my parents take care of each other!

 Dad had been looking forward to riding on the stagecoach all day!
I think he's excited!

 Off they go!
 Thanks for the horse ride Grandpa!

 The official time of day that my dad,
Mr. Jerry Donald Way,
was retired!

Couldn't have been a better day of retirement:
beautiful skies in the desert,
great time with family
and most of all...
"I got to walk on the same ground
as many famous actors who made westerns,
 best actor of all
John Wayne!"

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